Well, everyone, its time for fresh starts and new beginnings. Time to stretch my legs and my confines. I am moving on…..

Scared ya, huh? I am moving along down the road. Around the corner and up the street to my very own domain! How exciting is that? It was hard work (jeebus it was hard), but I kind of like the new place. I would greatly appreciate it if you would all come over for a little new domain-warming. Have a drink, sit for a spell, and look around. Then leave me a comment and let me know what you think. What do you like, dislike? What is missing that you can’t live without? Except, don’t mention the blogroll…it’s a sore spot. And I have to rebuild it by hand, so pretend you don’t notice, ok? Alrighty then: go, go, go and don’t forget to UPDATE YOUR LINKS


Woooohooooo, my place is it’s own place!

PS: If you left a comment since early this afternoon, no worries. I will move it over tomorrow!

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Chuck E Cheese was wild

Ladybug danced with the mouse

Memories forever


Chocolate cake, yum

Hunt for clues with Auntie Bear

But you are our prize

For more Haiku Friday, please visit A Mommy Story!

(For Thursday Thirteen scroll down)

Today is the fabulous, adorable, fantastic, energetic, loving, silly and one of a kind Ladybug’s third birthday. In her honor I have written her a Nonet. A Nonet is a poem of nine lines, the first of which is nine syllables, next 8, and so on.


Ladybug my miracle grandchild

You defied modern medicine

You ignored dire predictions

Three years of joy you’ve shared

Your tribulations

Are lessons learned

Life is short

Enjoy it



Thirteen Random Thoughts I Have Had Today:

  1. Crap, woke up late. Second day in a row.
  2. I can’t believe she beat me to the shower again!
  3. Oh Mr. Vixen, how could you not make sure the door wasn’t locked when we came out with the dogs? **knock, knock…Bear?**
  4. Money can’t buy happiness, but it certainly could buy me a house.
  5. Miracles do happen.
  6. Happy Birthday Ladybug.
  7. I would love a job as a party planner.
  8. Lord, these shoes are so squeaky. But they are so comfortable.
  9. Can I a make a Sponge Bob cake?
  10. What on earth will I feed everyone for dinner tonight?
  11. If something rings up with tax to $5.59, but you say $6.00 and hit the button to erase the screen really quickly and then give me $14.00 change…did you really think I wouldn’t ask for a receipt?
  12. If you steal 41 cents from each customer, how much would you make in a day? Loser.
  13. Could I possibly lure Mrs. Eaves out here for Monday?

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others’ comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

(For Wordless Wednesday scroll down)



I still watch over you, son

I’ll never stop worrying or praying or being proud

Your growing and changing, maturing and mating

It makes no difference to a mother’s care

On Monday you two will be joined

Sweethearts, friends, lovers and now mates for life

Together you create a new center, a new unit

And I shall rejoice in your joy from the periphery


Day Two. 28 more. Over and out.

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During my perusal of sites today, I found ReadWritePoem. I discovered April is National Poetry Month. I loved poetry as a kid. I loved all things to do with English, but Creative Writing was my favorite class. As an adult I worked for 10 years as a medical transcription proofreader. All that structure, the rules, I thrived on it. Now as I approach my golden years (har, har), I find myself like a child again and in love with poetry. The freedom, the creativity. There are poems with rules and poems without. Whatever you feel, whatever you need at that moment, you are free to choose your path. So I am taking a leap. A leap of tremendous proportions for me. In the past, the moment I commit to anything something else will come along and distract me or consume me. It’s a little familial curse we like to call being Farkle. Sometimes this curse stops me from committing to things just for the fear of what may happen. I am, however, currently Mad as a Hatter and will flaunt caution to the wind. I have decided to participate in NaPoWriMo this month. An attempt to write a poem a day for one month. Mr. Vixen thinks I am suffering from a marble deficiency and I am okay with that. I never liked playing marbles anyway.

Coal burns beneath you to warm
Charcoal markings on Santa
Columns of smoke you produce
Cheating the cold of its bite
Curling flames embrace your sides
Creating an ambiance
Cold winter days kept at bay
WooHoooo. Not only did I do it from the first prompt, but I tried a new poetry form I have never used (or heard of before)! That, my friends was a Pleiades. I didn’t think I could do it: 7 lines of 7 syllables all starting with the same first letter of the title. Day one: over and out. I am taking my marbles home now. See you tomorrow.


Note: Heads Or Hails is now based from it’s own new home. You can read the rules, grab some graphics, check out the themes, and of course sign in to play here! This week–HEADS-Fool

Who Is Not a Fool? [“Qui non stultus?”] —Horace (65-8 B.C.), Satires, 2.3.158

Foolery, sir, does walk about the orb like the sun, it shines everywhere. —William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night (3.1.39-40)

He dares to be a fool, and that is the first step in the direction of wisdom. —James Gibbons Huneker

You can educate a fool, but you cannot make him think. —The Talmud

April Fools’ Day: This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four. —Mark Twain

Can you find all the April Fool’s Day tricks hiding in this painting by Norman Rockwell? There are 57 that I know of and they are listed behind the break.




Stolen borrowed from Jenn at Enjoying The Ride:

1. go to http://www.photobucket.com

2. type in the answer to the question in the “search” box

3. use only the first page

4. insert the picture into your blog

1. what is your relationship status?

2. what is your current mood?

3. who is your favorite band/artist?

4. what is your favorite movie?

5. what kind of pet do you have?

6. where do you live?

7. where do you work?

8. what do you look like?

9. what do you drive?

10. what did you do last night?

11. what is your favorite tv show?

12. describe yourself.

13. what are you doing today?

14. what is your name?

15. what is your favorite candy?

The elusive Free-time of a certain crafty young woman, with the epithet of Vixen, ran helter-skelter throughout the universe. Free-time was loathe to decelerate from it’s kamikaze party life and stop to visit Vixen. She was wearisome and humdrum. Free-time felt ignored and unappreciated by Vixen. But alas, you can only run uncontrolled for so long before you crash and burn. Vixen, ever the clever one, patiently waited and one day reached out and grabbed Free-time by the tail.

“Ah, ha!”, squealed Vixen. “You are mine for the day!” Vixen remembered a day, long ago, when she had started to make Butterball some pajamas. One of the pair had been completed right away (the Eeyore print), yet the other two had languished. One was actually in a state of partial completion. Whilst Vixen’s spousal unit slaved away behind the computer screen all day, valiantly fighting the bad guys in Battlefield2; Vixen was able to complete another pair of pj’s.

img_7033.jpg As Vixen slaved over this little green alien outfit, she decided that those little booty things on the bottom there? They were too challenging to be a part of her day with Free-time. In fact, they took entirely too much of Free-Time’s attention. All too soon, Vixen felt her grasp on Free-time loosening. Free-time had gained strength and slipped away from Vixen’s clutching fingers, flitting off in the direction of next year.

Vixen was saddened by the loss. She took comfort in the cuddly pj’s which she could not fit into, but managed to warm an arm with. Then she looked at this picture and saw the lovely crochet blanket behind the pj’s and once again mourned the loss of Free-time because, dang, it was a purty blanket and she recalled when she and Free-time had made it…long, long ago.